Ani-Game was created and is run by Joel Gralton, I am based in Sydney, Australia. During the day I work full time as a website developer but when I’m not doing that I almost always have a controller in my hand playing games, laying back watching anime or writing up articles or review for you to read right here.
Games have been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. One of my earliest gaming memories is playing Super Mario World on the SNES and to this day it is still one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. Besides my wife, and my son games are my greatest passion and a great portion of my life is spent consuming them, gaming culture, podcasts and articles. I’m the guy people call crazy because I set alarms to wake up at 3am to watch E3 & Gamescom press conferences.
When it comes to Anime, as with many people my age (I’m in my mid 20’s) that enjoy anime it started with watching Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z on morning TV and I have been hooked for the past 15+ years. I have watched many, many different movies and series over that time that cover vast genres and tend to enjoy most of them.
I decided it was time to express my passion for games and anime through writing and as mentioned above I work as a website developer, so it seemed to make perfect sense to create a website for myself and start blogging here. And that’s what I’ve been doing since launching in 2016.
In short, games of all shapes and sizes and anime series.
Over the past year and a bit I’ve developed a great relationship with many Australian video game and anime publishers and often receive review copies of games and anime sets to produce content for this site.
For full disclosure I will always mention when review copies are provided in my reviews whether the publisher requires me to or not.
We will cover most of the latest big budget AAA titles that hit the market but also take a great interest in smaller niche titles, such as anime licensed games and provide coverage where many bigger outlets may overlook them.
As for anime reviews, they will usually based on the retail DVD/BD release available here in Australia. Majority of Anime available in Australia is published by either Madman Entertainment or Hanabee and will include my opinion of the show and describe any special features (if applicable) that come with the release.
The site will mainly focus on reviews and important news but from time to time will also contain opinion pieces, previews and feature articles.
Feel free to reach out send me an email via the contact page or comment on the posts and for anyone who takes the time to read my work. Thank You!