As a web developer and someone who has delved a little bit into game development in the past, it always interests me to watch other developers at work and see their processes.
There have been a number of companies that release small scale developer diaries as part of their release press around the time of their game launch to hype up the release. But Ninja Theory have been releasing diaries fairly regularly, documenting the whole process of the development of their upcoming title Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice.
If you’re interested in the process game developer’s go through when working on a game I highly suggest giving this playlist a watch:
If this kind of content interests you, be sure to also check out the following video where Ninja Theory receive an award for their real-time rendering process that shows off their development pipeline that takes performance capture to a final in game real-time cinematic in mere minutes. This technology will drastically change the world of AAA development going forward.
For more information about the development of Hellbalde: Senua’s Sacrifice check out the official Ninja Theory site.
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